A Mithran In Need Is A Mithran Indeed
Dharmishta Mithran, a non-governmental organization, owes its origin to a handful of public spirited men with proven records in social work. Dharmishta Mithran was registered under section 25 (now Section 8) of Companies Act, and its certificate of incorporation bears the number U85110 MH 2001 NPL 134048 dated 27th November 2001.
The Objects of Mithran are entirely non-commercial. Believing in the latent desire in every human being to reach out to those in need of help, M/s N.Hariharan, V.G.Parameswaran, K.Parameswaran, M N Ramamurthy and a few others came together in the Siddivinayaka Temple at Chedda Nagar and formed an organization called DHARMISHTA MITHRAN, drawing into its fold all like minded people.
A Board of Directors consisting of upto 15 members looks after the overall Management and an Executive Committee of upto 4 Directors look after the day-to- day Management of the company.
What we do
Our Facilities
‘Aparakriya” is the post death ritual performed after the death of a person for the salvation of the departed soul. The rites are performed over a period of 10 days.
It is our firm belief, that leaving the body of the person it resided in,the soul either travels to heavenly worlds or to the ancestral worlds depending upon its previous deeds.
Dharmishta Mithran’s areas of social work include organizing medical camps, environmental cleanliness and providing sports and fitness equipment.
What Drives Us
Dharmishta Mithran was formed as a charitable organization under section 25 of the Companies Act,1956 (now Sec 8 under the Companies Act 2013) with the following objects:

The Mithran is a non-commercial organization, and hence it needs to generate funds to meet its various commitments. Advertisements in the AANANDA MITHRAN and Donations in Finances and/or kind are welcome.
MITHRAN has been granted exemption U/s 80G of the Income Tax Act for donations it receives for the Corpus Funds
Feedback & Testimonials
The shraddham of my elder brother (and father of Justice K. R. Shriram), Late Shri Chakyar K. K. Rajan was conducted at Dharmishta Mitran’s Deonar Centre on 21st March, 2022.
We were very satisfied with the arrangements made and also the food prepared by the cook arranged for the shraddham. I wish Dharmishta Mitran the very best for the years to come. I will certainly recommend the place to others.
Committee Members
Mr. N.H. Ramachandran
President & Chief Functionary
(Is also the Chairman of the Board)
Mr. A.V.Anantharaman
Hon Secretary
Mr. Iyer. Parmeswaran A.
Hon Treasurer
Mr Sudarshan S Sivakumar
Mr. N.S. Venkatesh
Recent Events
Smt. Kamala Ramanathan, w/o our life member Mr. N S Ramanathan of Saubhagya Building, Chheda Nagar, attained sivalokam (20th April 2022).She is survived by her spouse, son and a daughter. We pray to the Almighty for her Moksham and to give strength to her family members to bear and overcome the bereavement.
Minutes of Meetings
Statutory Disclosures
Committee Members
Annual Report
The Mithran is a non-commercial organization, and hence it needs to generate funds to meet its various commitments.
Office : Flat Nos.101&102, Raj Darshan Residency, Plot No.4, Panjrapole Road, Deonar , Mumbai 400088. E-Mail: